Monday, June 7, 2010

4 Factors Contributing To The Driving Lesson Costs

Are you planning to get a driving lesson soon? The cost of driving lesson is among the most important criteria in choosing a driving class. You need to make a good survey on the average costs and make comparisons on the packages offered by different driving classes. Here are the simple outlines to guide you on the average driving lesson costs.

There are lots of factors that might contribute to the overall cost for your lesson. First of all, it depends on your age. If you are a fresh learner, the cost might be higher as the trainer will guide you step by step from the very beginning. Based on studies conducted, an average of 30 hours to 35 hours of driving lesson is sufficient for an eager learner to pass the driving examination.

Besides that, your experience in driving also contributes to the overall driving lesson costs. People with driving experience will be charged at a lower price because the trainer doesn't have to explain everything from the beginning.

Most of the trainers will fetch your from your home to the driving center. Therefore, if you are staying far from the center, they will charge you at a higher price to compensate on the fuel. To save this money, perhaps you can suggest asking your parents or friends to drop you at the driving center itself.

Lastly, the cost of driving lesson is different if you opt for a weekend lesson or weekday lesson. Weekday lesson is always cheaper. So, try to arrange your own schedule to go for weekday driving lesson.

There are two types of driving lessons provided called intensive course and normal driving lesson. Most of the classes are charged based on hourly rate. For intensive course, the average rate would be 25 to 30 pounds per hour while normal driving lesson cost around 18 to 22 pounds per hour. The rate would be higher by 5 to 10 pounds per hour for weekend classes.

Lastly, you can always get your friends or relatives' recommendations for a great driving center which is value for money


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